🧗 Sharma is back!!!

PLUS: Our rewards feature

It’s Pump Time Baby 💪

Howdy. FlashPumped here. We’re like the bacon in a BLT; without us there ain't no sandwich.

Here's what we got for y'all today:

  • Sharma is back in The Game

  • The season ain't over in Switzerland

  • There were some strange articles last weekend

  • Bucket-list Destinations

So let’s jump right in.

Sharma is back in The Game

The Big Daddy is back!

It's been a while since we've had any news from Chris. He's been so busy over the years: opening gyms, raising a little family, attempting a HBO series, (which looks absolutely terrible, but let's not judge a book by it's cover).

Doing all that and carrying on training and climbing at the highest levels ain't no easy feat.

Well, he's reported that nearly 10 years after sending La Dura Dura, 9b+, he's ticked another 9b+ project and called it Sleeping Lion.

Firstly. Fantastic name 👌

Secondly. Chris dedicated it to all those middle aged climbers who know the struggle of trying to balance everything all together. True Sharma style.

Finally. The actual route. 40m in the Siurana El Pati sector, the area home to the infamous La Rambla, Estado Critico and so many other benchmark pieces.

It's awesome to still see Chris climbing hard sh*t and bringing the passion after so many years in the game. His philosophical outlook on climbing and life is something we see and hear less and less of in the sports limelight so it's always a pleasure.

Love it! ❤️❤️❤️

The season ain't over in Switzerland

As they say "it ain't over till it's over", and the season definitely ain't over yet in Switzerland.

🇺🇸 🏔

Firstly, American Matt Fultz has made the second ascent of Aidan Roberts Vecchio Leone Sit, V16, in Brione. This is the sit start to Vecchio Leone, a classic V13 from the area.

Aidan made the first ascent relatively recently in Nov 2022, describing it as both being relatively obvious but rather deceptive both at once.

Checking out Matt's 8a profile, he already has 7 V16's to his name.

🇩🇪 🏔

Second up, we have German Kim Marschner. He's been in Ticino over the past few weeks and was firstly able to climb Fight Club, V14.

After working a direct start to the problem with Giuliano Cameroni, he was able to nab the first ascent, maintaining the name suggested by Dave Graham, "Peace Corps".

Their conclusion on the grade: slightly harder than Fight Club, so apparently low end 8C or V15.

🇩🇪 🏔

Third and finally, we have fellow 22 year old German Romy Fuchs, who sent Jimmy Webb's Versace, V13, also in Brione.

Romy was on a quick trip to the bouldering Mecca and managed to grab a handful of ascents of hard boulders:

  • Frogger 8A,

  • Marilyn Monroe 8A,

  • Kings of Solace 8A+,

  • Versace 8B,

Well done all three 👏 👏 👏

Question of the Week

Last week we tried to determine what the best climbing destination ever was!

Result: A complete failure with no consensus! On top of that some of the best destinations were apparently missing 🤦‍♂️

So, this week, let’s try it again:

What Happened Last Weekend?

There was indeed some strange articles last weekend 🫢

Over the years on the fateful 1st April many of our favourite companies gift us with a little treat.

A piece of break news, a promotional video or a little tweet, you get halfway through thinking this is getting stranger and stranger. Something is off. Then of course you realize the date: the 1st April. Unfortunate is the unlucky reader who shared the shocking story a bit too eagerly!

This year was no different.

Our little favourite, UKC’s gem of a premiere climbing league or "New International Competition Format", where teams of predetermined climbers would battle to be top dog.

Our favourite line:

"a shoot-out where one climber from each team competes in a sudden death play-off on each problem, while the other team members throw bean bags at the opposing team member" 🤣

Some other favourites over the years:

Bucket List Destinations

Tired of Kalymnos, Margalef or Buoux? Ok, that could never happen, buuut…

There’s a little island that’s feeling a bit left out of the mediterranean destinations: Malta.

Like most of our favourite destinations it’s got everything you’d ever need for a great climbing holiday:

  • Awesome climbing on great rock

  • Great weather

  • Tasty food

  • Chill beaches

  • Tons of activities for rest days

Need some persuading? Mr Ondra was there on his latest family getaway. If it’s good enough for Adam, it’s good enough for me 👌

Check out UKC’s guide.

Picks of the Week

  • Shawn and Sean on the Prowl in Vegas 🎰

Bacon & Waffles

🤣 🤣

What We’re Enjoyin’ 🫖

  • 📽 For those who couldn’t make it to the Fast Company Grill at SXSW, Jimmy Chin and Chai Vasarhelyi discuss in detail the story behind Wild Life.

  • 📖 Into the Wild. A book that requires little introduction. The compelling and sometimes polarising story of a man seeking higher meaning in life.

  • 🎧 Roudoudou - Peace and Tranquility to Earth. It never gets old.

That's it for today. See y’all next week!


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